Why have living plant displays?
For most people the decision to add living plants to their office is driven by the desire to make the place look better. We are certain that our tailored plant schemes will definitely do this for you, but you may be surprised to learn some of the other benefits living plants will bring to your working environment.
As we strive for energy efficiency, ventilation in buildings has diminished. Chemicals known as Volatile Organic Compounds (V.O.C.’s) are released from photocopiers, furniture and office equipment and they have nowhere to escape to. They mix in the office atmosphere that you and your colleagues breathe in. These chemicals can cause headaches, lethargy in your staff and contribute to sick building syndrome.
Plants provide an extremely effective bio technical solution to combating air pollution in these enclosed spaces. The plants, their roots and even the compost filter the air removing the harmful chemicals and absorbing them into the plant. Cleaner air is definitely healthier Air.
Living plants in your environment will
- Make your office a more inspiring environment
- Minimise harmful toxins released by office furniture and equipment
- Make visitors more comfortable and relaxed
- Reduce stress and help concentration for your employees
- Improve staff morale
- Create a healthier climate resulting in fewer sick days
- Create an outdoor environment indoors which improves well-being
- Make your office a nicer place to be

Plants could be the answer. Why don't you view what we offer.